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July 14, 2003
Chichester Conservation Commission
07/14/03 Meeting Minutes
7:00, Chichester Grange Hall

Present:  Gordon Jones, Gwen Adams, Deb Soule, Jeff Andrews, Stan Brehm, and Walter Sanborn  
        Bob Mann was on vacation. Jeff presided as chair for the meeting.

Minutes from the 06/09/03 meeting were approved.

Mail Review
The following items were received since the last meeting and distributed to the group for review:
Selectmen’s minutes from last meeting (now available on line), NH Community  Forestry Advisory Council bulletin, Statewide Program of Action to Conserve Our Environment (SPACE) newsletter. Conservation News, notice of public hearing on proposed state wetland rules, and a state wetland approval for 62 Ferrin Road (Edward and Barbara Fermin)

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day Status

Bob, Jeff and Deb have been attending the regional meetings to develop this event. Jeff distributed a draft brochure which will be distributed via the Suncook Sun to residents only in towns that contribute to the BCEP facility.  Bob has been developing articles to be placed in the Sun prior to the event. We would like to have at least one town sign advertise the event as well. The day is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, September 7th at the BCEP facility in Pittsfield from 10:00-2:00. Regular household wastes will not be accepted that day.

Materials for Old Home Day Display

Old Home Day is scheduled for August 16th. The group decided to display the following items at a booth at the event: household hazardous waste day brochures, regular BCEP brochure, NRI maps (Jeff to bring easel), LCHIP program info, conservation easement info, maintenance of septic system literature, and info on protected land in town. Jeff has a table he can bring for the booth. Keeping the NRI maps dry is a concern if it is a rainy day.

Wetland Mitigation for Connemara Drive

Michael Seraikas (consultant) and Jim Mullaney (developer) displayed proposed subdivision plans for property on Connemara Drive and Bailey Road. Due to several wetland crossings by the proposed roads, wetland mitigation is required. Mr. Mullaney suggested easements on the wetland areas on affected lots. He offered to increase the restrictions beyond standard easement language to not allow cutting in easement area without conservation commission approval. He also suggested a 25’ no cut zone around the wetlands. He offered either a deed restriction or conservation easement on the affected lots – commission’s choice.

Jeff suggested that since the wetlands are already preserved to some extent under current rules that other land (upland) would be preferable for the mitigation efforts. Also, preserving a little bit of land scattered across several lots would not be useful to town residents trying to enjoy the protected area. Jeff suggested donating funds to the purchase of other property in town such as the Shaw property on Main Street. Mr. Mullaney said that he did not have additional funds. He suggested using the $10,000 he contributed for another development project in town for a ballfield to be directed towards buying the lot since time may run out soon under the agreement for the town to utilize that money. He said that the money would be returned to him in 3 more years if the town did not use it.

On the subdivision plan there was a proposed 50’ right-of-way to the 25 acre property of Mr. Mobbs for future development purposes. Mr. Mullaney asked if the conservation commission was in support of this right-of-way given that the Wetlands Bureau wanted it removed since it led directly to a wetland area on Mr. Mobbs property. A benefit to the right-of-way is if Mr. Mobbs’ property  is developed, his subdivision roads could be connected to Mr.Mullaney’s for better fire protection efforts (fewer dead end roads in town). According to Stan, Mr. Mobbs has not been before the Planning Board with any plans. The commission voted 5-0 (Jeff abstained) to ask for the removal of the right-of-way from the plan given the Wetlands Bureau decision and the lack of any proposed plans for the Mobbs property.

Jeff will conduct further research on wetland mitigation rules. The commission agreed that it would be useful to walk the property to determine what the best course of action is in terms of easements or restrictions.

Natural Resource Inventory (NRI) Status

Jeff displayed the NRI zoning map. Stan noted that it was missing several subdivisions. Jeff will check on why they were missing from the map.

Jeff, Bob, and Deb met with SPNHF to review maps. It was decided to add points to the scenic roads and town lots.  SPNHF will do parcel based analysis next.

Friends of the Suncook River – Watershed NRI and River Cleanup

This group distributed a survey to affected towns regarding their interest in participating in a watershed NRI. In return for participation, the town could receive maps. Since Chichester is already conducting its own NRI, the only map of interest was the soils one. Jeff will discuss the survey with Bob.

The group will also be holding a river cleanup day on August 16th. Deb offered to attend the event on behalf of the commission. This event falls on the same day as Old Home Day.

Sanborn Cray Conservation Area Access Project

Jeff stated the town was looking into appraising the Shaw property which abuts the Sanborn Cray Conservation Area.

Jeff discussed access options to the Sanborn Cray property. None are easy. Access would be difficult through the access points on Main Street. Access from the fire department would also be difficult. If the Shaw property was obtained then access would be much easier.

The Selectmen want the commission to draw up management plans for the town fields and the Sanborn Cray property. Then the town could vote on the options at the next town meeting. Jeff will draft up some plans.

Goals for the Commission for the Next Year

Jeff discussed the goals the commission had listed last year in the October 14, 2002 meeting minutes. This is the start of the goals discussion for the upcoming year. Some of the goals from last year have been completed. More discussion on this will occur at the next commission meeting.

Review of Questionnaire for Master Plan Input

Jeff distributed the draft Master Plan questionnaire. The commission reviewed the questionnaire and suggested possible changes. Jeff will draft up the suggested changes and send it to the Master Plan committee.

Miscellaneous Items:

Luba Property at corner of Main and Granny Howe -
Stan mentioned that the subdivision for this property may be revoked due to the additional wetland information presented in the minimum impact application presented to the commission at the last meeting.

Drainage Plan for Proposed Concord Motorsports on Rte 4
Stan displayed the drainage plan for this property. Discharge will be towards Marsh Pond.

ArcView Program for Commission
Jeff checked with UNH and the Crash Location Information Program (CLIP) regarding a free copy of ArcView geographic information system (GIS) software for towns.  He received a copy which will go on a computer in the town hall. With this program, we will be able to view the work done by SPNHF on the NRI.

Conservation Commission Information on Town Web Site
Deb contacted town staff to update the town web site to include commission information. The commission minutes, agendas, meeting dates and other applicable information are planned to be on the web site. Selectmen approval is required first.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 PM.